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How to Naturally Clean Your Oven in 6 Steps

How to Naturally Clean Your Oven in 6 Steps

You need to stop putting off cleaning your oven. If you’re like me, it’s been months and that black gunk is getting hard to ignore.

It doesn’t have to be such a tough task and our natural method below means you don’t have to use myriad chemicals to get it shining like new.

Why Are Natural Products Better?

The supermarket shelves are lined with oven cleaning chemicals that smell and are very toxic.

These cleaners could cause damage to your respiratory system, eyes and even skin if not used correctly.

Just some of the chemicals included in oven cleaners are:

Sodium Hydroxide: It may cause irritation to the eyes and skin, allergic reactions and eye and skin burns.

Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether: Irritates skin and eyes and may be toxic by ingestion.

Butane: This propellant is mostly found in cigarette lighters and inhalation can cause drowsiness, asphyxia and cardiac arrhythmia.

Monoethanolamine (MEA): Monoethanolamine can cause eye and skin burns. Prolonged or widespread skin contact may result in the absorption of potentially harmful amounts.

There is a natural method you can try, which is just as effective and works well if you haven’t cleaned your oven in a while.

How to Naturally Clean Your Oven with Baking Soda and Vinegar

These supplies should already be in your pantry or cleaning cupboard.

1/4 cup liquid
dish detergent

1 cup baking soda

1/4 cup sea salt

Sponge or cloth

Scouring pad

Spray bottle

White Vinegar

Towel or microfiber cloth

Step 1

Mix together the dish detergent, baking soda and salt to make a paste. Use water to get the consistency right; not too runny but thick enough to spread on the inside of your oven.

Step 2

Pull out your oven racks and soak them in a sink with warm water and detergent. Flip the racks halfway through the soaking time with new water and detergent.

Step 3

Coat the inside of the oven with the paste and leave for around 3 hours. I just cleaned the bottom of mine as it was really grimy.

Step 4

Wipe the interior down with some warm water and a sponge or cloth. Use a little elbow grease on more stubborn grime.

Step 5

Create a 1:2 solution of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle, then spray inside the oven and wipe down. This will help get rid of any paste reside. Make sure you wipe dry with a clean towel.

Step 6

Work on the oven racks with a scouring pad and dry before putting them back!

How Often Should I Be Cleaning My Oven?

We recommend every fortnight. Try this natural method.

  • Cut two lemons in half, squeeze the juice into a baking dish. Put the squeezed lemons in there too.
  • Fill a third of the way with water, put into the oven, bake for 30 minutes at 120 degrees Celsius.
  • Let the oven cool and remove the baking dish and set it aside. Use a cloth or sponge to clean out the oven and dry with a towel.

The natural citric acid and di-limonene soften the grime. It smells great too!


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